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Print elements in sorted order from a row_column wise sorted matrix

  #include <iostream> using namespace std;   struct Node {     int val;      int r;      int c; };   void minHeapify(Node harr[], int i, int heap_size) {     int l = i * 2 + 1;     int r = i * 2 + 2;      if(l < heap_size&& r<heap_size && harr[l].val < harr[i].val && harr[r].val < harr[i].val){             Node temp=harr[r];             harr[r]=harr[i];             harr[i]=harr[l];             harr[l]=temp;             minHeapify(harr ,l,heap_size);             minHeapify(harr ,r,heap_size);         }           if (l < heap_size && harr[l].val < harr[i].val){             Node temp=harr[i];                         harr[i]=harr[l];             harr[l]=temp;             minHeapify(harr ,l,heap_size);         } }   void sortedform(int mat[][3], int n) {      int arr[n*n]; /*if row size 3 and column size 3 then the array should store 3*3=9 elements*/     Node harr[n];     for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)         harr[i] = { mat[0][i], 0,
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Reverse of an array using c and c++

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Create and display Doubly circular link list in c++ code

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Queue using array in c++ code

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Queue using link list c++ code

 Hi, guys code for queue using link list in c++ language #include<iostream> using namespace std; struct node {     int data;     node *next; }; struct node *front=0, *rear=0; void enqueue(int x) {     node *newnode;     newnode=new node;     newnode->next=0;     newnode->data=x;     if(front==0 and rear==0)     {         front=rear=newnode;     }     else     {         rear->next=newnode;         rear=newnode;     } } void display () {     node *temp=front;     while(temp!=0)     {         cout<<temp->data<<endl;         temp=temp->next;     } } void dequeue() {     node *temp=front;     front=front->next;     delete (temp) ; } main() {     enqueue(3) ;     enqueue (8) ;     enqueue(7) ;     dequeue () ;     display () ; }